Pest Control Services

Keep Pests Away From Your Home

They bite, they fly, and they invade. Yes, unwanted guests in your household, such as termites (white ants), cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, ants, and other pests. Not forgetting those persistent bed bugs. Any of these species should not be present in your home or place of work since they can cause serious health issues and have an unhygienic effect on nearby areas.

But, how exactly can you prevent them from invading or spreading in your dwelling? Here are some simple and useful tips to keep your house pest-free:

Do Not Invite Them

As much as you hate to see those flying and crawling species, you still have that tendency to invite them in some dirty ways. When you fail to store leftover food in your dining table or you simply left the dishes in the sink overnight, then expect to see them around in the morning. Do not cook with windows and doors open unless you have a flyscreen to stop flying insects. It is a must to keep your household premises clean at all times.

Set a Monthly Inspection

Whilst you can always call a pest control professional knowing you can rely on them to get rid of those unwanted guests, you can always perform a basic routine inspection yourself by checking under appliances and keeping rat bait in your ceiling cavities. And maybe every 6 months call in somebody like South QLD Restoration to carry out a thorough assessment on the degree of any infestation present in your property. And if necessary, we can always eliminate them.

Check for Repairs

If you happen to see a leaking tap or a pipe, make sure to have them repaired immediately. It is a must to keep your property moist-free because cockroaches tend to dwell in damped areas. On the other hand, make sure to get rid of stagnant water that is commonly present in flower vases and clogged gutters. This is to keep mosquitoes from breeding in them. If you must keep a vase filled in, make sure to change it daily.

Termites are an expensive pest to have around. Check around your home for any areas they can populate such as rotting wood, old tree stumps, etc. Also check your weep holes in brick homes are not covered because if they are, termites will enter. Uncovered they are exposed to light and termites do not go near the light.

Aside from these tips, it is recommended to keep furnishings clean and tidy too. This is especially needed for carpets since they can be breeding grounds for bugs and bacteria. So, to ensure that your carpeting is clutter and bacteria-free, get in touch with the experts for cleaning services! Call South QLD Restoration