How to survive the Queensland storm season

Each summer, Queenslanders brace themselves for the storm season. Tropical lows, troughs and cyclones begin to brew as the hotter months settle in.

To survive the Queensland storm season, it is essential for locals to increase their knowledge and to be prepared for any extreme weather that might come their way. Thorough research and planning can be the difference between life and death.


Here are five steps you can take to help you survive the storm season:

1)     Know your home

Look into your local flood risks and historical weather events. Are the risks in the area high? Can your home withstand a cyclone? Is your property above or below flood levels? What does your home and contents insurance cover? Make sure you know the answers to these questions before any extreme weather events happen in your area. Once you know the ins and outs of your situation, you can start to make your home ready for the storm season.

 2)     Start preparations early

Once you know your risks, you should start preparing for storm season as early as possible. Make sure your roof, gutters, and downpipes are all clean and fully functioning. Order any necessary equipment you might need in the event of extreme weather conditions (sandbags, tarps, etc.). Identify any objects in your yard that are loose (outdoor furniture, toys, etc.) and will need to be secured or put away before a storm. The more preparations you do now, the easier it will be for you to protect your loved ones in the future.

3)     Build a storm kit

In an emergency situation you may need to seek shelter to protect yourself from danger. To do this you will need to make sure you are self-sufficient until the danger passes. Make sure you have an emergency storm kit that will help you and your loved ones survive for a few days.

Essential emergency kit items:

  • Battery powered torch
  • Battery powered radio
  • Spare batteries
  • Candles and waterproof matches
  • Fresh water
  • Tinned food
  • First aid kid including essential medications
  • Waterproof bag for important documents and valuables
  • List of emergency contact numbers
  • List of local emergency radio stations

4)     Plan your escape 

Whether you have to baton down the hatches, or set course for sanctuary, you need to make sure you have a plan in place. Make an emergency escape plan in case you need to relocate to a safer area. Write a check-list of essential items you will need to take (sleeping bags, warm clothes, emergency kit, nappies, kids’ toys, etc.). Finally, sit your household down and decide on emergency meeting points and individual roles to help preparations run smoothly.

5)     Stay informed

The best thing you can do to survive the storm season is to be safe instead of sorry. Keep up to date with local weather warnings by tuning into local radio stations. Log on to to see what is happening locally and in your surrounding regions. Listen to emergency alerts, sirens, and personnel who may come directly to your door. And, when you need to act, act fast.

Above all else: remember to always put your life first. You can rebuild a home, but when a life is lost it is lost forever. And if your house sustains flood damage, don’t worry!

South Queensland Restorations specialise in cleaning and repairing water damage to residential and commercial flooring. We can remove mould, bacteria, stains, and dry carpet and floors.

We also have an emergency flood response service that operates during any emergency floods in the greater Brisbane area. Our qualified water damage technicians will be available 24/7 in area throughout the emergency.

Call David on 1300 762 021 to find out more about how we can help you in your time of need.